Friday, November 2, 2007

My recent days...

Ants. some of the worst things ever. Especially when they eat at your feet within 10 seconds and leave you swollen, red, and scratching for the next week. My feet are basically burning. I am now on a mission to kill each and every one of the ants in my yard.

Winter Ultimate League is about to start up. We had our draft night, and my friend Jenny and I will be captains together. (Love this! Jenny and I are also captains together for the moXXie woman's team!) Anyway, our team is shaping up to be a lot of great people. Not only skill level, but great attitudes and personalities. I'm looking forward to our first game!

My dear friends have left to Talla'trashy' this week. I can't say I'm too pleased. Although, in trying to look at the bright side, I can now plan some fun weekend trips out their way.

Halloween night was surprisingly really fun this year. I had my Halloween Masquerade Ball a little early, so come Halloween, I actually felt like the holiday had already passed. But, some of us went out. And I danced a little--and I NEVER dance. I insist I was just playing my part, being a mix of flashdance and Olivia Newton-John and all. Also, I never go out on the weekdays. I love my sleep. But, Halloween night I was out, drinking, and dancing my ass off. Got just less than 4 hours of sleep, and felt pretty rough strolling to work Thursday morning. And then, to top off my sluggishness on thursday, I stayed up too late Thursday night and got only 4 hours of sleep for my Friday. Lets just say, my 4 o'clock nap today is looking more appetizing than anything else in the world right now. Except of course, lots of cash. That looks appetizing. I'd like to travel. And right now I can't afford it.

Fiona is showing some improvement as she's growing out of her puppy stage. I've noticed she is really listening to me when we are outside, even with kitty cat distractions. I love it.

I've had too many tootsie rolls and M&Ms today. The bossman brought all his extra halloween candy in. yay.

I'll be in Orlando this weekend for a long awaited family reunionish get together. It will be fun. I'm very excited to go out of town, eat lots of italian food, and relax some. Cheers!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Halloween Bitches

Halloween Masquerade Ball was incredible. The costumes were all sooo great! :o) I loved every minute of it. FLASHDANCE! DANCE YOUR ASS OFF!
Everyone should go see "Across the Universe". I'm owning it the moment is becomes available to burn illegally.
All we need is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... love is all we need!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Puking Pumpkin

Halloween Masquerade Ball this weekend. I'm way crazy excited for the celebrations. I haven't actually celebrated halloween and the season since I was about 11 years old. Once I was too old to trick or treat and too young to party all night, I thought it was lame. :oP But now, CHEERS to my halloween party! Baking lots of goodies, decorating our house with all kinds of stuff, and meeting all of my roommates friends for the first time-- this will be glorious! Maybe I'll post a few pictures up of the best costumes. (We are having a contest actually!)
Still recovering from the wretched flu/cold. Improving by the day... kinda. I've now progressed into the cough stage after leaving the sneezing stage. Hopefully healthy is what's to come.
Fiona might not be dressed up for halloween this year. I procrastinated and didn't order her anything. And the stores have nothing exciting. :o( But, we'll see.
Golly. I'm excited about the halloween bash.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Everyone Deserves Music

Michael Franti and Spearhead play at Freebird tomorrow night. I'm ecstatic!
This week I was fighting off a cold. Missing ultimate really made me sad. I've been on a Moes diet lately. I think I've eaten it every other day for the past week and a half. I'm promising myself I won't go again until Wed. with the crew. I've been eating out way too much in general.
I'm clueless on what to be for halloween. And can't choose just one thing for the werewolf. How weird will it be to give her two costumes? As in, half way through the evening, she'll change. Weird, I know...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

a motivation rate of zero

I'm lazy. I have no motivation. My priorities are not straight. Well, they are not straight in a way to benefit me most. I have been really busy lately. I work everyday until 5 and for the past 2 weeks I've had something to do everyday after work. Except, I've been missing a lot of school. I'm such a slacker. I hate school. It's not at all enjoyable. I've been putting school behind unpacking, going to dinner, and running errands. Running errands is coming before my education? What the hell am I thinking? I really need to buckle down, shove my face in the books, and acknowledge the fact that my education is crucial for my future success.

Other than the fact that I'm putting school 2nd to my free time, life has been good. My friends have been great. But all of a sudden, I'm finding out I'm losing 3 beautiful people. Not completely losing, but they are moving out of Jax, to a location I can possibly visit for an occasional weekend, or to a place across the ocean that I could maybe manage to visit once a year. No fun....

The Regionals tournament for Ultimate is this weekend. It's a really intense tournament for most of the teams. I think moXXie will get a lot of great experience and have tons of fun. And I'm looking equally forward to both. Jacksonville's mens team has a great chance in making Nationals, which would be huge for them. Hammerhead has my best wishes...

Monday, October 1, 2007

moXXie website

moXXie now has it's very own website! It's absolutely amazing. I love this team!

Check it out:


Exhaustion: [ig-zaws-chuhn]

burned out, beat, fatigue, weariness, feebleness, lassitude, lethargy, done for, over worked, pooped, tuckered out, run-down, worn out, drained, drowsy, sleepy, spent, and just plain TIRED.

I'm exhausted, have you gotten the point? I was moving and cleaning all weekend. Waking up early, staying up late. I think I took a single break to eat lunch. I want to rest, relax, and sleeeeeeep.

The good news is, I'm in my new home. :o) The bad news is, I can barely walk in my bedroom because of all the boxes.

I need to teach my dog not to bark at everything.
And I hate when it's raining in the morning. Fiona doesn't exactly like the rain, but that doesn't mean she still doesn't have to go potty. I put her outside. I think she stood at the door the entire time, in a puddle to her 'knees' (it was flooded). So when I brought her inside, I dried her off, and THEN she went potty. Thanks, werewolf, sometimes I feel like I've taught you nothing.

I'm exhausted.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Thank Goodness It's Friday!
Today will be the slowest day of the week at work. Not only is my boss out of town, and has been since Wed, but it's Friday. And Friday's are always slow. Tick, tock, tick, tock... the clock just won't tick fast enough.

I started moving some of my things into my new house. And today I'm moving more. And Saturday I'll move more. And Sunday I'll be scrubing the empty house spotless. Fun stuff. And then what? Yes, I get to unpack...

I love when people are forgiving and understanding, whether it's immediately or over time. I think that quality in a person is beautiful. It really makes me smile. So thank you, friend, for putting the past behind us, and being good to me. I'm looking forward to a forever friendship with you...

Regionals is next weekend! I'm taking over my parents house in OP for the weekend, along with maybe 7 other ultimate players. But this time we'll share 2 bathrooms! Yay for friends, house parties, blow up beds, and 2 showers! I'm very excited about it!

Monday, September 24, 2007

foXXie moXXie

moXXie played in the Sectionals tournament in Gainesville, FL this past weekend. We played hard and had a blast! We were 1 and 3, but I feel the games were closer than the scores contrue. I am now recovering from sore quads and an injured hand. I was apparently stepped on in one of my several collisions. Anyway, Go moXXie! We are off to Regionals on October 6th and 7th where we will play women's teams from Texas over to South Carolina. :o)

Friday, September 21, 2007

One thing after the next...

"To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid"
Young and stupid is exactly the way I've been acting lately. I'm happy to hear that eventually some good will come of it. Until then, I'm sorry.

30 minutes away from the start of an eventful weekend in Gainesville. The long awaited Sectionals tournament is finally here! Carpooling down with some gals, sleeping in a house with about 7 other people (sharing 1 bathroom), and playing my heart out saturday on the fields... this will be fun! and fun is what I need.

I move in a week. That makes me happy.
I have so much to do before my move. That does not make me happy.

I wish it were December already. The brother comes to visit, the holidays mean days off work, and I get to enjoy my coffee more because the weather is cooler.

I think I might be dressing my werewolf up for halloween. It wasn't my idea, but I think it's gonna happen.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's cloudy, and so is my head

Another cool, rainy day. I seem to have lost my umbrella. I thought it was in the car, but it's not. I haven't seen it around in a while. So today, an old Folio Weekly I found stashed behind my car seat is my new umbrella. It doesn't work well.

I've realized another pet peeve of mine. One I'm sure I've always had, but finally realized how strongly I felt about it just yesterday. Sara Lee, the food corporation/bread company/whatever, has the slogan, "Nobody Doesn't Like Sara Lee" Can we say Double Negative? I can...
And Chik-fil-A has always bothered me. Why aren't parents protesting that they are advertising misspelled words and giving a bad influence to learning minds? If I were a parent, I'd protest. Or, if I were a growing child, who spelt chicken like 'chikin' because that's how Chik-Fil-A does it, then I'd protest. I'm no english major, or anything close to it, but obvious and purposeful improper english is annoying. Are you counting how many mistakes I've just made? Keep in mind, mine aren't purposeful. :oP

And More:
"Rolled around on kitchen floors.
Tied my tongue in pretty bows with yours.
And now we pass and just like glass
I see through you, you see through me like I'm not there.

You could make my head swerve.
Used to know my every curve.
And now we meet on a street,
And I am blind. I can not find the heart I gave to you."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

breakable girls and boys

I loved the weather this morning. I immediately turned off the AC and opened all my windows. The breeze is lovely. I'm looking so forward to 'winter'.

Fiona has decided that she will now bark at every single noise she hears. Even those noises she has heard daily since she came into my life.
The flag outside my parents home was waving in the wind: bark!
The kids upstairs are walking around and we can hear their footsteps: bark!
The smoke detector beeped: bark!
A car door: bark!
The oven beeped: bark!
And the wind in general: bark!
I didn't sleep well last night, thanks to my new barking canine.

More from Ingrid Michaelson:
"Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?
Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts.
So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess,
And to stop the muscle that makes us confess."

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's just another manic Monday

My weekend was an excellent one. It was full of bud light, ultimate, sun, friends, packing, and a play date for Fiona. Can't get too much better than that.

And my future holds many best friends for me. I'm cut out to be a crazy dog lady, similar to that of a crazy cat lady.
I think it's funny when guys have huge muscular arms... and chicken legs. I met someone this weekend who fit that description. I had a nice chuckle or two.

Today was a typical, no good very rotten Monday. Jury Duty is no fun, contrary to popular belief. ha! Thank goodness I work for who I do, or I'd be stuck in court Friday.

Not to mention, it rained all day. Doesn't that mean we should stay in bed? And then ultimate got cancelled. Oh Mondays... I'm glad you only come once a week.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Yes, another post on the same day. Not to mention, the first day.

Lately I've been.. well.. getting over some things. This song has helped me recover, feel whole, and move on...

"Starting Now" by Ingrid Michaelson
I want to crawl back inside my mother's womb
I want to shut out all the lights in this room
I want to start fresh, like a baby in a sink
Scrub away all these thoughts that I think, of you

So life moves slowly when you're waiting for it to boil
Feel like i watch from 6 feet under the soil
Still want to hold you and kiss behind your ears
But i re count the countless tears that I lost for you

But before you finally go there's one thing you should know:
That I promise -
Starting now I'll never know your name
Starting now I'll never feel the same
Starting now I wish you never came, into my world.

I want to crawl back inside my bed of sin
I want to burn the sheets that smell like your skin
Instead I'll wash them just like kitchen rags with stains
Spinning away every piece that remains of you.

But before you finally go there's one thing you should know:
That I promise -
Starting now I'll never know your name
Starting now I'll never feel the same
Starting now I wish you never came into my world.
It's my world, it's not ours anymore
It's my world, it's not ours anymore
Starting now I'll never know your name
Starting now I'll never feel the same
Starting now I wish you never came into my world.

I'm a celebrity

My world is exciting, stressful, complicated, busy, funny, and intriguing. Welcome.
For the record, my werewolf is everything to me.

This is my first blog. Let's see how long I actually find blogging amusing....
I had an interesting encounter yesterday while at the court house. A woman approached me and said, "You remind me of Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama with that outfit (referring to my outfit)." I simply laughed, and thanked her.
Reese Witherspoon? Seriously? I had on a black and white skirt with a red top, and I'm Reese? Okay.

So, until next time... if there is a next time.