Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Halloween Bitches

Halloween Masquerade Ball was incredible. The costumes were all sooo great! :o) I loved every minute of it. FLASHDANCE! DANCE YOUR ASS OFF!
Everyone should go see "Across the Universe". I'm owning it the moment is becomes available to burn illegally.
All we need is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... love is all we need!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Puking Pumpkin

Halloween Masquerade Ball this weekend. I'm way crazy excited for the celebrations. I haven't actually celebrated halloween and the season since I was about 11 years old. Once I was too old to trick or treat and too young to party all night, I thought it was lame. :oP But now, CHEERS to my halloween party! Baking lots of goodies, decorating our house with all kinds of stuff, and meeting all of my roommates friends for the first time-- this will be glorious! Maybe I'll post a few pictures up of the best costumes. (We are having a contest actually!)
Still recovering from the wretched flu/cold. Improving by the day... kinda. I've now progressed into the cough stage after leaving the sneezing stage. Hopefully healthy is what's to come.
Fiona might not be dressed up for halloween this year. I procrastinated and didn't order her anything. And the stores have nothing exciting. :o( But, we'll see.
Golly. I'm excited about the halloween bash.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Everyone Deserves Music

Michael Franti and Spearhead play at Freebird tomorrow night. I'm ecstatic!
This week I was fighting off a cold. Missing ultimate really made me sad. I've been on a Moes diet lately. I think I've eaten it every other day for the past week and a half. I'm promising myself I won't go again until Wed. with the crew. I've been eating out way too much in general.
I'm clueless on what to be for halloween. And can't choose just one thing for the werewolf. How weird will it be to give her two costumes? As in, half way through the evening, she'll change. Weird, I know...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

a motivation rate of zero

I'm lazy. I have no motivation. My priorities are not straight. Well, they are not straight in a way to benefit me most. I have been really busy lately. I work everyday until 5 and for the past 2 weeks I've had something to do everyday after work. Except, I've been missing a lot of school. I'm such a slacker. I hate school. It's not at all enjoyable. I've been putting school behind unpacking, going to dinner, and running errands. Running errands is coming before my education? What the hell am I thinking? I really need to buckle down, shove my face in the books, and acknowledge the fact that my education is crucial for my future success.

Other than the fact that I'm putting school 2nd to my free time, life has been good. My friends have been great. But all of a sudden, I'm finding out I'm losing 3 beautiful people. Not completely losing, but they are moving out of Jax, to a location I can possibly visit for an occasional weekend, or to a place across the ocean that I could maybe manage to visit once a year. No fun....

The Regionals tournament for Ultimate is this weekend. It's a really intense tournament for most of the teams. I think moXXie will get a lot of great experience and have tons of fun. And I'm looking equally forward to both. Jacksonville's mens team has a great chance in making Nationals, which would be huge for them. Hammerhead has my best wishes...

Monday, October 1, 2007

moXXie website

moXXie now has it's very own website! It's absolutely amazing. I love this team!

Check it out:


Exhaustion: [ig-zaws-chuhn]

burned out, beat, fatigue, weariness, feebleness, lassitude, lethargy, done for, over worked, pooped, tuckered out, run-down, worn out, drained, drowsy, sleepy, spent, and just plain TIRED.

I'm exhausted, have you gotten the point? I was moving and cleaning all weekend. Waking up early, staying up late. I think I took a single break to eat lunch. I want to rest, relax, and sleeeeeeep.

The good news is, I'm in my new home. :o) The bad news is, I can barely walk in my bedroom because of all the boxes.

I need to teach my dog not to bark at everything.
And I hate when it's raining in the morning. Fiona doesn't exactly like the rain, but that doesn't mean she still doesn't have to go potty. I put her outside. I think she stood at the door the entire time, in a puddle to her 'knees' (it was flooded). So when I brought her inside, I dried her off, and THEN she went potty. Thanks, werewolf, sometimes I feel like I've taught you nothing.

I'm exhausted.